BRÜCKMANN, Gracia, STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle and Sophie RUPRECHT (2024). “Solar for tenants: Survey evidence on design and framing of citizen-financed photovoltaic projects in Switzerland”, Energy Research & Social Science 118: 103819 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2024.103819).
BÜRGISSER, Reto, STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle and Klaus ARMINGEON (2024): “Can Information, Compensation, and Party Cues Increase Mass Support for Green Taxes?“ Journal of European Public Policy (https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2024.2444332).
HASANAJ, Valon and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2024). “Gendered Leadership and Political Structures: A Global Analysis of Crisis Responses across 150 Countries”, International Political Science Review (forthcoming)
OEHRLI, Dominique, STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle, and Meret LÜTOLF (2024). “How Does the Provision of Childcare Services Affect Mothers’ Employment Intentions? Empirical Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment”, Journal of Social Policy, 53, 2, 450–469 (https://www.doi.org/10.1017/S0047279422000423).
ZUMOFEN, Guillaume, STRÄTER, Rebeka, and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2024).“The influence of information format and framing on acceptance of energy storage technologies”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (forthcoming).
ZUMOFEN, Guillaume; STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle and Marc Bühlmann (2024). “No , It Is Not All About Selective Exposure : Information Selection Strategies in Referendums”, Political Behavior, 46, 1771–1790 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11109-023-09893-8).
BRÜCKMANN, Gracia; BERGER, Sebastian; CAVIOLA, Hugo; HAHNEL, Ulf; PIANA, Valentino; SAHAKIAN, Marlyne, and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2023). “Towards more impactful energy research: the salient role of social sciences and humanities”, PLOS Climate e0000132 (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pclm.0000132).
EDER, Christina and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2023). “Bringing the political system (back) into social tipping relevant to sustainability”, Energy Policy 177: 113529 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113529).
FREIBURGHAUS, Rahel; VATTER, Adrian and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2023). “Kinder, Gentler—and Crisis-Proof? Consensus Democracy, Inclusive Institutions, and COVID-19 Pandemic Performance”, West European Politics, 46(6): 1106–1132 (https://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2022.2156164).
LÜTOLF, Meret and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2023). “Do households live the family model they prefer? Household’s work patterns across European policy regimes”, Socio-Economic Review 21(3): 1421–1443 (https://doi.org/10.1093/ser/mwac023).
MONTFORT, Simon; FESENFELD Lukas Paul; STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle and Karin INGOLD (2023): “Policy sequencing can increase public support for ambitious climate policy”, Policy and Society 42(4): 454–477 (https://doi.org/10.1093/polsoc/puad030).
STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle, RAJSKI, Hannah and Sophie RUPRECHT (2023). “The role of vote advice application in direct-democratic opinion formation—an experiment from Switzerland”, Acta Politica 58: 792–818 (https://doi.org/10.1057/s41269-022-00264-5).
ACKERMANN, Kathrin and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2022). “Voting in the Echo Chamber? Patterns of Political Online Activities and Voting Behavior in Switzerland”, Special issue “The 2019 Swiss National Elections”, Swiss Political Science Review 28:377–400 (https://doi.org/10.1111/spsr.12498).
FREMSTAD, Anders, MILDENBERGER, Matto, PAUL, Mark and STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle (2022): “The role of rebates in public support for carbon taxes”, Environmental Research Letters: 17, 084040 (https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac8607).
HASANAJ, Valon and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2022): “Is the problem or the solution riskier? Predictors of carbon tax policy support”, Environmental Research Communication 4: 105001 (https://doi.org/10.1088/2515-7620/ac9516).
LEEMANN, Lucas and STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle (2022). “Satisfaction with Democracy: When Government by the People brings Electoral Losers and Winners Together”, Comparative Political Studies 55(1): 93-121 (https://doi.org/10.1177/00104140211024302).
MILDENBERGER, Matto, LACHAPELLE, Erick, HARRISON, Kathryn and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2022). “Limited impacts of carbon tax rebate programs on public support for carbon pricing”, Nature Climate Change 12: 141–147 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-021-01268-3).
ACKERMANN, Kathrin and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2022): “6. September 2022 Wahlentscheidung in der Echo-Kammer? Digitales politisches Engagement und Panaschieren bei der Schweizer Nationalratswahl 2019”, deFacto, September 6, 2022, www.defacto.expert.
QADIRE, Nadia and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2022). “Was zu tun ist, damit sich Jugendliche politisch stärker engagieren?”, DeFacto, February 9, 2022, www.defacto.expert.
STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle and Sophie RUPRECHT (2022). “Zwischen Pariser Abkommen und direkter Demokratie: Wann sind klimapolitische Abstimmungsvorlagen erfolgreich?”, deFacto, September 23, 2022, www.defacto.expert.
STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle; LIEM, Manuela; MILDENBERGER, Matto., LACHAPELLE, Eric, HARRISON, Kathryn (2022). “Aktuelle Rückvergütung hat nur beschränkten Einfluss auf Zustimmung zu CO2-Steuern”, deFacto, December 21, 2022, www.defacto.expert.