I joined the University of Bern in 2023 as a postdoc researcher in the Horizon Europe project “UNTWIST: policy recommendations to regain "losers of feminism" as mainstream voters” on the role of gender for right-wing electoral successes in Europe. In the project, I have led the data-based development of a typology on gender-based needs which has served as a lens for the following data collection and analysis of cross-country data (including focus groups, party manifestos and representative surveys) on representation gaps in gendered grievances.
Outside of my work with UNTWIST, I work on a variety of collaborative projects on (online) radicalization into male and white supremacist networks. Since 2019, I am a research fellow with the US-based Institute for Research on Male Supremacism. Between 2022 and 2023, I also worked as academic advisor to civil society projects on prevention of online radicalization and democracy building online for the NGO Das NETTZ.
I earned my PhD at the University of Potsdam in Germany, where I worked as a lecturer and researcher between 2016 and 2022. During my PhD studies, in which I focused on the role of gender in the United Nations’ counterterrorism reform process since 2001, I was teaching a variety of classes on global politics (e.g. transnational security studies, counterterrorism and violent extremism, feminism and gender in IR, and global civil society).
My work has been published in multiple international and German-language journals, including International Affairs, Big Data and Society, Men & Masculinities, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, International Feminist Journal of Politics. In 2022, I guest-edited (together with Laura Shepherd) a Special Issue on Gender and the Governance of Terrorism and Violent Extremism with Critical Studies on Terrorism, which has been published as an Routledge Edited Volume in 2023.
All Publications see: Google Scholar