Dr. Jonas Schmid


Institute of Political Science

A 156
Postal Address
University Bern
Institute of Political Science
Fabrikstrasse 8
3012 Bern
Short portrait
Short portrait
09/2023-today  Post-Doc at the Chair of Comparative Politics in the SWEET-EDGE project.
Assistant and PhD-candidate at the Chair of Swiss Politics, University of Bern
Project manager at Seecon international GmbH on sustainable development projects. Focus: Municipal energy management in Switzerland.   


  • Schmid, J. (2024 – forthcoming). Decentralization and wind energy permitting. An evaluation of implementation effectiveness in Switzerland and Europe. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
  • Lieberherr, Eva, Lisa Hansson, Merethe Dotterud Leiren, and Jonas Schmid. 2019. Adapting Accountability and Emerging Challenges. Contracting-Out in the Transport Sector in Switzerland, Norway and Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration 23 (2): 1–21. Link.
  • Schmid, Jonas, Martin Urben, and Adrian Vatter. 2018. Cyberföderalismus in der Schweiz: Befunde Zur Digitalisierung Kantonaler Verwaltungen. Yearbook of Swiss Administrative Sciences 9 (1): 12. Link.


  • Schmid, J. (2024 - forthcoming). Die Planungs- und Bewilligungsverfahren von Windenergieprojekten (1998-2021) im Schlaglicht des Schweizer Föderalismus. Bern: Universität Bern.
  • Schmid, J., & Stadelmann-Steffen, I. (2024). D8.8 Best practices recommendations for cantonal policy. Bern: SWEET-EDGE.
  • Schmid, J. (2023b). M8.3 Biomass-plants in Switzerland: Do cantonal policies make a difference for deployment? Bern: SWEET-EDGE.
  • Schmid, J., & Stadelmann-Steffen, I. (2023a). M8.3 Wind energy-policy and authorization procedures in Switzerland: Competences, duration and effectiveness. Bern: SWEET-EDGE.

Conference papers

  • Schmid, Jonas (2024c, March 1). Energy federalism: Realizing the energy transition against the odds of fragmented political authority. Presented at the Annual Workshop of the Federalism Working Group of the German Political Science Association (DVPW), Berlin.
  • Schmid, Jonas (2024b, February 9). Energy federalism: Realizing the energy transition against the odds of fragmented political authority. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association 2024, St. Gallen.
  • Schmid, Jonas (2024a, February 9). Swiss subsidy policies – do they accelerate the deployment of biomass-plants in Switzerland?. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association 2024, St. Gallen.
  • Schmid, Jonas (2023, September 13). Biomass-facilities in Switzerland: What role do they play in the Swiss energy transition and do cantonal subsidy-policies make a difference for deployment?. Presented at the Three-Country Conference of the Political Science Associations of Austria, Germany and Switzerland 2023, Linz.
  • Schmid, Jonas (2022b, July 1) Effects of decentralization on efficiency and effectiveness of Swiss wind energy authorization procedures. Presented at the 1st Swiss Social Science Energy Research Workshop, Martigny.
  • Schmid, Jonas. (2022a, February 4). Onshore Wind Energy Growth in (De)centralized European Political Systems: Facilitating or Impeding Growth?. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association 2022, Lausanne (held online).
  • Schmid, Jonas. (2021, February 5). Systematizing impacts of decentralization on the effectiveness of policy-implementation. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association 2021, Berne (held online).
  • Schmid, Jonas (2020d, 28 August). The Effect of Decentralization on Wind Energy Authorization Procedures across Europe. Presented at the Annual General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, Innsbruck (held online).
  • Schmid, Jonas. (2020c, 25 August) Detecting Patterns of Territorial Organization in Administrative Practice: Practical Federalism as a New Policy Analysis Perspective. Presented at the Annual General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, Innsbruck (held online).
  • Schmid, Jonas. (2020b, June 25) Federalism Doesn’t Matter? The Visibility and Significance of Federal Organization in Wind Energy Capacity Deployment across Europe. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Environmental Politics and Governance Conference, Kleivstua (held online).
  • Schmid, Jonas. (2020a, February 3) Patterns of Territorial Organization in Administrative Practice: Introducing Practical Federalism. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association 2020, Lucerne.
  • 2018- today: Presentations of papers in various internal and external research colloquia.

Workshop background- and materials

  • Schmid, Jonas, Luisa Muenter, and Louise Carpentier. 2018. Lichttoolbox - besser beleuchten in Gemeinden. Ein Werkzeugkasten für die Reduktion der Lichtverschmutzung und die Inwertsetzung der natürlichen Nachtdunkelheit. Bern: Seecon GmbH. Link.

In edited volumes

  • Herzog, M., & Schmid, J. (2016). Who pays for zero-days? Balancing long-term stability in cyber space against short-term national security benefits. In K. Friis & J. Ringsmose (Eds.), Conflict in cyber space: Theoretical, strategic and legal perspectives (pp. 95–116).Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781315669878-7.

Book reviews

  • Jonas Schmid. (2022, October 14) [Review of the book Digital Federalism. Information, Institutions, Infrastructures (1950–2000), by Bory, Paolo; Zetti, Daniela (Eds)]. HSozKult and Infoclio Book Reviews, Link
  • Schmid, Jonas. (2024, February 18). Warum guter Klimaschutz auch mehr Freiheit bedeutet. NZZ am Sonntag, p. 23. Link
  • Schmid, Jonas, & Stadelmann-Steffen, Isabelle (2024, January 8). L’alarmisme climatique ne convainc pas. DeFacto. Link
  • Schmid, Jonas, & Stadelmann-Steffen, I. (2024, January 8). Der Klima-Alarmismus verfängt kaum. DeFacto. Link
  • Schmid, Jonas, & Stadelmann-Steffen, I. (2023, December 9). Alarmismus hat wenig Wirkung. Der Bund, p. 43. Link
  • Häne, Stefan. (2023, March 4). Interview zur Windkraft – «Die hitzige Debatte täuscht». Tages-Anzeiger. Link.
  • Schmid, Jonas. 2022. Zielkonflikte bei der Energiewende behindern eine effiziente Planung. NZZ, 13. April 2022, sec. Gastkommentar. Link. (Print has different title and is slightly shortened, S.19.)
  • Chuard, Patrick. 2020. “Une Étude Braque Les Anti-Éoliennes.” La Liberté, September 26, 2020. Link.
  • Schmid, Jonas., & Vatter, Adrian. (2018, December 22). Das Wallis ist bei der Digitalisierung das Schlusslicht. NZZ, p. 14. Link.
  • MA-Seminar, Spring Semester 2024, The social acceptance of renewable energy in comparative perspective. Award-winning. 
  • Guest lecture on December 15, 2022 in the “Policy-Analysis III”-lecture series by Prof. Ingold: Windenergie in der Schweiz: Eine Übersicht über die Problemlage.  
  • Guest lecture on December 15, 2022 in the “Silicon Mountains”-series by Dr. Zangger, Prof. Haller: Die Digitalisierung politischer Institutionen – eine (Weiter)entwicklungschance für Berggemeinden?. 
  • BA-Seminar, Spring Semester 2021 (online): Digitalisierung und Effektivität politischer Institutionen in der Schweiz.  
  • BA-Seminar, Spring Semester 2020 (off- and online): Digitalisierung und Effektivität politischer Institutionen in der Schweiz.  
  • BA-Seminar, Spring Semester 2019: Digitalisierung und Effektivität politischer Institutionen in der Schweiz.  
  • All teachings (except guest lectures) convey the fundamentals on how to work scientifically, tailored to Political Science.
  • The politics and policy of renewable energy in Switzerland, with a special emphasis on wind energy authorization procedures (siting or permitting).  
  • Actor-centered institutionalism 
  • Effectiveness in administrative federalism 
  • The digitalization of political institutions in Switzerland