Prof. Dr. Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen
Professorship of Comparative Politics
Institute of Political Science
- Phone
- +41 31 684 83 55
- Phone2
- +41 31 684 83 31
- Office
- A 161
- Postal Address
- University Bern
Institute of Political Science
Fabrikstrasse 8
3012 Bern
Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen was born in 1979 in Burgdorf, Switzerland. From 1999 to 2003 she studied political science and economics at the Universities of Bern and Geneva. In 2007, she completed her PhD under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Wolf Linder with the doctoral thesis “Policies, Women, and the Labor Market. Women’s Employment in Switzerland: An International and Inter-Cantonal Comparison.” In 2008, she was the recipient of a scholarship from the Swiss National Science Foundation (Schweizer Nationalfonds) for her post-doctoral studies at the University Konstanz (Germany) and at the European University Institute in Florence (Italy). 2006-2007 as well as 2009-2011 she worked at the Research Center for Social Capital at the University of Konstanz, where she was involved in various research projects dealing with volunteerism. In 2013 she received her habilitation from the University of Konstanz. From July 2011 until August 2014 she was assistant professor at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Bern, where she has been associate professor for comparative politics since then.
Her main research interests concern comparative public policy (in particular welfare state, energy and education policy), inequality, direct democracy as well as political participation and attitudes. She is thereby particularly interested in interlinkages between these different perspectives. Her work has been published in journals such as European Union Politics, European Journal of Political Research, Governance, Journal of Social Policy, European Sociological Review, Political Behavior, Electoral Studies, Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, and Political Studies.
Recent Publications
BRÜCKMANN, Gracia, STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle and Sophie RUPRECHT (2024). “Solar for tenants: Survey evidence on design and framing of citizen-financed photovoltaic projects in Switzerland”, Energy Research & Social Science 118: 103819 (
BÜRGISSER, Reto, STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle and Klaus ARMINGEON (2024): “Can Information, Compensation, and Party Cues Increase Mass Support for Green Taxes?“ Journal of European Public Policy (
HASANAJ, Valon and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2024). “Gendered Leadership and Political Structures: A Global Analysis of Crisis Responses across 150 Countries”, International Political Science Review (forthcoming)
OEHRLI, Dominique, STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle, and Meret LÜTOLF (2024). “How Does the Provision of Childcare Services Affect Mothers’ Employment Intentions? Empirical Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment”, Journal of Social Policy, 53, 2, 450–469 (
ZUMOFEN, Guillaume, STRÄTER, Rebeka, and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2024).“The influence of information format and framing on acceptance of energy storage technologies”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (forthcoming).
ZUMOFEN, Guillaume; STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle and Marc Bühlmann (2024). “No , It Is Not All About Selective Exposure : Information Selection Strategies in Referendums”, Political Behavior, 46, 1771–1790 (
BRÜCKMANN, Gracia; BERGER, Sebastian; CAVIOLA, Hugo; HAHNEL, Ulf; PIANA, Valentino; SAHAKIAN, Marlyne, and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2023). “Towards more impactful energy research: the salient role of social sciences and humanities”, PLOS Climate e0000132 (
EDER, Christina and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2023). “Bringing the political system (back) into social tipping relevant to sustainability”, Energy Policy 177: 113529 (
FREIBURGHAUS, Rahel; VATTER, Adrian and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2023). “Kinder, Gentler—and Crisis-Proof? Consensus Democracy, Inclusive Institutions, and COVID-19 Pandemic Performance”, West European Politics, 46(6): 1106–1132 (
LÜTOLF, Meret and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2023). “Do households live the family model they prefer? Household’s work patterns across European policy regimes”, Socio-Economic Review 21(3): 1421–1443 (
MONTFORT, Simon; FESENFELD Lukas Paul; STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle and Karin INGOLD (2023): “Policy sequencing can increase public support for ambitious climate policy”, Policy and Society 42(4): 454–477 (
STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle, RAJSKI, Hannah and Sophie RUPRECHT (2023). “The role of vote advice application in direct-democratic opinion formation—an experiment from Switzerland”, Acta Politica 58: 792–818 (
ACKERMANN, Kathrin and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2022). “Voting in the Echo Chamber? Patterns of Political Online Activities and Voting Behavior in Switzerland”, Special issue “The 2019 Swiss National Elections”, Swiss Political Science Review 28:377–400 (
FREMSTAD, Anders, MILDENBERGER, Matto, PAUL, Mark and STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle (2022): “The role of rebates in public support for carbon taxes”, Environmental Research Letters: 17, 084040 (
HASANAJ, Valon and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2022): “Is the problem or the solution riskier? Predictors of carbon tax policy support”, Environmental Research Communication 4: 105001 (
LEEMANN, Lucas and STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle (2022). “Satisfaction with Democracy: When Government by the People brings Electoral Losers and Winners Together”, Comparative Political Studies 55(1): 93-121 (
MILDENBERGER, Matto, LACHAPELLE, Erick, HARRISON, Kathryn and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2022). “Limited impacts of carbon tax rebate programs on public support for carbon pricing”, Nature Climate Change 12: 141–147 (
Die Forschung und Lehre im Bereich der Professur für Vergleichende Politik umfasst politikwissenschaftliche Analysen und Fragestellungen aus einer vergleichenden Perspektive. Angelehnt an die Forschungsinteressen der Lehrstuhlinhaberin liegt ein besonderes Augenmerk auf Themen wie vergleichende Wohlfahrtsstaatsforschung, Energiepolitik, soziale Ungleichheit, politische Einstellungen und Verhalten sowie empirische Methoden. Neben international vergleichenden Ansätzen wird nicht zuletzt auch eine subnational vergleichende Perspektive verfolgt. In diesem Sinne gliedert sich die Professur optimal in den Masterstudiengang „Comparative and Swiss Politics“ ein.
- Name / Titel
- Prof. Dr. Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen
- Funktion
- Professorship of Comparative Politics
- Phone
- +41 31 684 83 55
- Phone2
- +41 31 684 83 31
- Name / Titel
- Dr. Gracia Brückmann
- Funktion
- Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR) / PostDoc
- Phone
- +41 31 684 83 34
- Name / Titel
- Dr. Meret Lütolf
- Funktion
- PostDoc
- Name / Titel
- Dr. Dominique Anne Oehrli
- Funktion
- PostDoc
- Name / Titel
- Dr. Sophie Ruprecht
- Funktion
- PostDoc
- Name / Titel
- Dr. Jonas Schmid
- Funktion
- PostDoc
- Name / Titel
- Dr. Guillaume Zumofen
- Funktion
- PostDoc / (Projekt DDS-21)
PhD Candidates
- Name / Titel
- Walid El-Ajou
- Funktion
- Assistant / Doctoral Candidate
- Name / Titel
- Jana Föcker
- Funktion
- Assistant / Doctoral Candidate
- Name / Titel
- Rebeka Sträter
- Funktion
- Assistant / Doctoral Candidate
Student Assistant
- Name / Titel
- Eva-Maria Affolter
- Funktion
- Student Assistant
- Name / Titel
- Oliver Fuchs
- Funktion
- Student Assistant
- Name / Titel
- Céline Imobersteg
- Funktion
- Student Assistant
- Name / Titel
- Kajsa Kupferschmid
- Funktion
- Student Assistant
- Name / Titel
- Valentin Schneuwly
- Funktion
- Student Assistant
Scientific Collaborator
- Name / Titel
- Sedef Biçer
- Funktion
- Study Administration / Public Relations / Scientific Collaborator
- Phone
- +41 31 684 48 30
- Name / Titel
- Gabriela Malzacher
- Funktion
- Secretariat Management / Personnel Administration
- Phone
- +41 31 684 83 31
Teaching Autumn semester 2024
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